
Observed facts refute the theory of evolution

The theory of evolution is just a hypothetical model and it has nothing to do with observed science

  1. Random mutations lead to genetic degradation, loss of genes, loss of information, loss of function and they are associated with huge number of genetic diseases. The number of observed and scientifically verified random beneficial mutations is extremely low compared to the huge number of harmful mutations. For example, there are 224,642 disease causing genetic mutations (08/2018)  in human genome at the whole world level. Annual increase was more than 20,000. One in five 'healthy' adults may carry disease-related genetic mutations. Most of known rare beneficial mutations are not scientifically verified and they typically are SNPs, which means they are only small changes at one nucleotide level. They don't lead to increase of biological information.

    Most of so called random mutations are not actually random. Instead, most of them are based on mechanisms, such as methylated cytosines are prone to turn into thymines in deamination caused by oxidative stress. DNA repair mechanisms don't touch this alteration due to methyl marking on the base.

  2. Natural selection is a fictional force that is assumed to be able to select beneficial changes and weed out harmful ones. Evolution theorists also talk about 'negative selection' or 'purifying selection' meaning that assumed natural selection is able to weed out harmful mutations. In reality there's no natural force being able to select harmful mutations out. Most of so called neutral mutations are so subtle that they don't directly affect cell's ability to produce necessary proteins or regulate cellular functions. But in long run they cause corruption in the integrity of genetic language and grammar. It's like fragmentation of a hard drive; the computer still works but there are some problems in normal functions.

    The cell is able to reorganize genetic information. Faulty genes are located at the ends of chromosomes in telomeres. Healthy DNA will remain in euchromatin close to centre of a chromosome. Reorganization of biological information after information loss often results in interesting changes in an organism.

    Imaginary pictures and stories are necessary for maintaining
    pseudoscientific theories. 
    Because there's no NS weeding out harmful mutations, scientists try to repair genomes of organisms. Serious scientists know that genetic entropy is a scientific fact and human genome must be repaired in order to reproduction be possible.


    Excerpt: "About half of the 32,000 mutations associated with human genetic diseases are this type of C-G to T-A change, says Liu, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Harvard University. Until now, there was little anyone could do about it, he says."

  3. "Survival of the fittest" is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. The biological concept of fitness is defined as reproductive success. In Darwinian terms the phrase is best understood as "Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations." (Wikipedia)

    Modern science has revealed that ecological adaptation is based on epigenetic mechanisms. A good example is the blind cave fish. Genetic mutations or selection were not the reasons why the cave fish lost its eyes. You can read about this energy efficient epigenetic mechanism more from here:


    The strongest, fastest and fittest in a population means an organism who has the healthiest epigenome, which means inheritable epigenetic cellular memory.

  4. DNA similarities between organisms. According to the latest studies, human and dog genomes are 95% similar at the whole genome level. That percentage is about the same between humans and chimps, pigs, kangaroos, dolphins etc. But if we really want to study possible relationships between organisms, then this should be done at RNA level. For example, there are over 60,000 long non coding RNA molecules in human sperm which is over three times more than DNA strands used for protein encoding. These RNAs are the true functional informational units and information carriers that are responsible for transmitting epigenetic information layers during embryonic development. Similarity of lncRNAs between humans and chimps is less than 50%, probably close to 30%. Mutations in lncRNAs are associated with serious diseases.

    Conclusion: Genetic entropy is a scientific fact. There is no mechanism for evolution. Organisms experience changes but the change never results in evolution. Scientists are not allowed to criticize the theory of evolution but we individuals are free to make our own conclusions. Don't get lost.