
Gene Duplications don't lead to Evolution

Gene Duplications Point to Intelligent Design and Creation

"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." (Hebrews 11:3, NIV)

Gene duplications are remarkable processes that underscore the complexity and precision of genetic mechanisms, pointing towards Intelligent Design and Creation. Unlike the gradualistic explanations offered by evolutionary theory, the evidence suggests that gene duplications are epigenetically controlled and regulated events, enabling organisms to adapt rapidly and efficiently to environmental changes.

Epigenetically Controlled Gene Duplications

Gene duplications are not random occurrences but are guided by epigenetic mechanisms. These mechanisms include histone modifications, DNA methylation, and non-coding RNAs, which together ensure that duplications occur in a controlled manner. For instance, histone acetylation can relax chromatin structure, making specific genomic regions more accessible for duplication. DNA methylation patterns can change in response to environmental triggers, such as stress or dietary changes, initiating the duplication process. Non-coding RNAs, such as microRNAs, can further regulate gene expression by binding to mRNA transcripts and preventing their translation.

Once a gene is duplicated, the cell must manage the additional genetic material. This often involves DNA loss mechanisms, such as unequal crossing over during meiosis, which help maintain genomic integrity by removing excess DNA. This dynamic balance ensures that the genome does not become unwieldy while still allowing for genetic adaptability.

Harmfulness of Gene Duplications in Diploid Organisms

In diploid organisms, like humans, gene duplications can often be detrimental. Duplications can disrupt the balance of gene dosage, leading to genetic disorders and diseases. For example, the duplication of certain genes has been associated with conditions like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and some forms of cancer. This indicates that while gene duplications can provide adaptability, they also carry significant risks if not precisely regulated.

Regulatory Mechanisms Necessary for Controlled Gene Duplication

For gene duplications to occur in a controlled manner, several regulatory mechanisms must be precisely in place:

  1. Epigenetic Marks: Histone modifications and DNA methylation patterns must be established and maintained to identify which genes can be duplicated.
  2. Non-coding RNAs: MicroRNAs and long non-coding RNAs must regulate the stability and translation of mRNA transcripts.
  3. Transcription Factors: Specific proteins must bind to promoter regions to initiate or suppress gene expression.
  4. CpG Islands: Regions rich in cytosine and guanine nucleotides must be appropriately methylated to control gene expression.
  5. 4D Genome Architecture: The spatial organization of the genome within the nucleus must facilitate the accessibility and replication of specific regions.

These mechanisms highlight the complexity and precision required for gene duplications, reinforcing the concept of Intelligent Design.

Gene Duplications and Biological Information

Contrary to evolutionary claims, gene duplication does not create new biological information. Instead, it results in the copying of existing genetic material. The duplicated gene may undergo intentional alterations or acquire new functions (by using different splice variants), but this is a modification of pre-existing information rather than the creation of novel information. Specific enzymes, such as ADAR, A3G, and AID can also target duplicated genes for intentional modifications. For instance, ADARs and APOBECs can edit RNA transcripts from duplicated genes, leading to changes in protein function or gene regulation. In some cases, these edits can create new splice variants or alter mRNA stability, thereby modulating the expression and function of the duplicated gene copies​ (BioMed CentralIntelligent Design posits that the original genetic information was created with the capacity for such modifications, allowing organisms to adapt without the need for new genetic information to evolve from non-information.

The Human AMY Gene Family

The human AMY gene family, which includes genes responsible for amylase production (AMY1 for salivary amylase and AMY2 for pancreatic amylase), showcases the complexity of epigenetic control of DNA. These genes can produce multiple splice variants (different mRNAs) through alternative splicing, a process that is itself highly regulated and complex.

Alternative Splicing

Alternative splicing allows a single gene to produce multiple mRNA variants, leading to the production of different protein isoforms. For a gene duplicate to function, several epigenetic mechanisms and factors must be precisely in place:

  • DNA Methylation: Influences which exons are included in the final mRNA transcript.
  • Histone Modifications: Affect chromatin structure and gene accessibility.
  • RNA Molecules: Non-coding RNAs can bind to mRNA transcripts, influencing splicing choices.
  • Transcription Factors: Bind to enhancer or silencer regions to regulate splicing.
  • CpG Islands: Act as regulatory regions that can enhance or suppress transcription.
  • 4D Genome: The spatial arrangement of DNA within the nucleus affects gene expression and splicing outcomes.

The sophisticated regulation of the AMY gene family through alternative splicing underscores the complexity and precision of genetic mechanisms, pointing to an intelligent design rather than random evolutionary processes.


If gene duplication mechanisms are so vital for the survival of polyploid organisms, evolutionary theory would suggest that selective pressure should favor the preservation and development of such mechanisms in diploid organisms, like humans. However, it can be observed that gene duplications in humans and other diploid organisms are generally harmful, raising questions about evolution's ability to explain the uneven distribution of these mechanisms.

Gene duplications and their regulation provide compelling evidence for Intelligent Design and Creation. The intricate mechanisms that control gene duplications, the potentially harmful effects of duplications in diploid organisms, and the complexity of processes like alternative splicing all point to a designed and purposeful genetic system. This aligns with the Biblical view of a Creator who designed life with the ability to adapt and thrive in a changing world.


  1. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression: how the environment influences our genes, Nature Reviews Genetics.
  2. The role of non-coding RNAs in gene regulation, Cell.
  3. Gene duplications and their impact on human disease, Journal of Medical Genetics.
  4. Alternative splicing: a means to an end or an end to a means? Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.
  5. 4D genome organization and its implications for gene regulation, Genome Biology.