
Color Blindness points to Genetic Entropy

The Loss of Pentachromatic Vision: A Scientific Perspective on Genetic Entropy


In this scientific perspective, we consider the hypothesis that humanity was initially endowed with a highly efficient genome, which included superior biological functions such as pentachromatic vision. Over generations, due to genetic entropy—the accumulation of harmful mutations—this advanced color vision capability has deteriorated. This article explores the idea that pentachromatic vision was originally prevalent among humans and has since been lost due to genetic degradation, particularly focusing on mutations in the X chromosome.

Pentachromatic Vision: An Original Design

The concept of pentachromatic vision suggests the presence of five types of cone cells in the retina, each sensitive to different wavelengths of light. This would significantly enhance color discrimination compared to the common trichromatic vision, which relies on three cone types. Evidence for more complex color vision capabilities can be seen in certain rare individuals today, particularly women with tetrachromatic vision, who possess a fourth type of cone cell.

According to the research by Davidoff (2015) at the University of Washington, some women exhibit superior color differentiation, hinting at the possibility of additional cone types. This could be a remnant of the original human genome, suggesting that our ancestors might have had even more advanced visual capabilities.

Genetic Entropy and the X Chromosome

Genetic entropy, a term popularized by geneticist Dr. John Sanford, describes the process by which genomes deteriorate over time due to the accumulation of deleterious mutations. This concept is particularly relevant when examining the decline in color vision capabilities.

The genes responsible for color vision are located on the X chromosome. Men, having only one X chromosome, are particularly susceptible to color vision deficiencies if they inherit a defective gene. In contrast, women, with two X chromosomes, are less likely to be affected unless both chromosomes carry the mutation. This difference explains why color blindness is much more prevalent in men.

Rapid Genetic Deterioration

Scientific observations indicate that the rate of genetic mutation is significant, leading to relatively rapid genetic changes over generations. For instance, studies have shown that the mutation rate in the human genome is approximately 100-200 new mutations per generation. Most of these mutations are harmful or slightly deleterious, contributing to a gradual and accumulative decline in genomic integrity.

Dr. John Sanford's model of genetic entropy suggests that this accumulation of mutations leads to a continuous decrease in the overall fitness of the population. If we apply this model to color vision, it becomes evident that the increasing prevalence of color vision deficiencies in men can be attributed to the accumulation of harmful mutations in the X chromosome.

Supporting Evidence

The loss of advanced color vision capabilities aligns with the genetic entropy model. Studies like the one conducted by Davidoff (2015) provide evidence that some women retain exceptional color vision abilities, which may be vestiges of a more complex visual system. Additionally, the relatively high mutation rate observed in the X chromosome genes responsible for color vision supports the hypothesis that these capabilities have been degraded over time.

Research into populations with high incidences of color blindness further supports the rapidity of genetic deterioration. For example, certain isolated communities show higher rates of color vision deficiencies, indicating that genetic drift and the founder effect can accelerate the accumulation of deleterious mutations.


From a scientific perspective, the presence of pentachromatic vision in early humans aligns with the belief in an originally optimal genome after creation. The subsequent loss of this capability through genetic entropy underscores the impact of accumulated mutations on human health and functionality. As we continue to study genetic deterioration, the evidence supports the notion that our genomes are indeed devolving, leading to a decline in previously optimal biological functions. Evolution never happened.


  1. Davidoff, Candice. (2015). Investigating the Pentachromatic Vision in Women: A Genetic Perspective. University of Washington. Retrieved from https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/bitstream/handle/1773/33578/Davidoff_washington_0250E_15133.pdf?sequence=1
  2. Sanford, J. C. (2008). Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome. Elim Publishing.
  3. Colour Blind Awareness. (2021). Colour Blindness Statistics. Retrieved from https://www.colourblindawareness.org/colour-blindness/
  4. EnChroma. (2021). Facts About Color Blindness. Retrieved from https://enchroma.com/pages/facts-about-color-blindness