
Evidence for Genetic Entropy

Loss of Taste Receptors Points to Genetic Entropy

The phenomenon of losing taste receptors in various animal species highlights the concept of genetic entropy. This concept suggests that the degradation of genetic information over time can lead to the loss of certain functionalities, such as taste perception. Below are some notable examples of taste receptor loss in different species.

CpG Island Breakdown and C>T Mutation Bias

The loss of taste receptors in various species is often linked to the breakdown of CpG islands, which are critical regions for gene regulation. CpG islands are prone to mutations, particularly C>T transitions, due to the deamination of methylated cytosines. These mutations can lead to the pseudogenization of taste receptor genes, where once functional genes become inactive. In cats, for example, the Tas1R2 gene responsible for sweet taste perception has become a pseudogene, partly due to the accumulation of mutations in its regulatory CpG islands. Similarly, the inactivation of taste receptor genes in dolphins, whales, and other carnivorous mammals can be traced back to changes in these CpG-rich regions. The breakdown and subsequent methylation changes in CpG islands result in the loss of gene function, supporting the concept of genetic entropy as it relates to taste receptor degradation.

Examples of Taste Receptor Loss

  1. Cats (Felidae Family)

    • Large felids like lions and tigers, as well as domestic cats, have lost the taste receptors necessary for detecting sweetness (Tas1R2 gene). This is due to 
      C>T mutation bias leading to CpG island breakdown.
  2. Dolphins and Whales (Cetacea Order)

    • Dolphins and other whales have lost almost all of their taste receptor genes. This is due to C>T mutation bias leading to CpG island breakdown.
  3. Chicken (Gallus gallus)

    • Chickens lack sweet taste receptors due to C>T mutation bias leading to CpG island breakdown.
  4. Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

    • Pandas have lost the umami taste receptor, which is due to 
      C>T mutation bias leading to CpG island breakdown.
  5. Carnivorous Animals

    • Many carnivores, such as hyenas and the fossa (a predator from Madagascar), have also lost sweet taste receptors. This aligns with their diet, which lacks sugar-rich plants. This is due to C>T mutation bias leading to CpG island breakdown.
  6. Bats (Chiroptera Order)

    • While most fruit bats can detect sweet flavors, some insectivorous bats have lost this ability since their diet consists mainly of protein-rich insects. This is due to 
      C>T mutation bias leading to CpG island breakdown.
  7. Sea Turtles (Chelonioidea Superfamily)

    • Some species of sea turtles have lost certain taste receptors. This is due to 
      C>T mutation bias leading to CpG island breakdown.
  8. Penguins (Spheniscidae Family)

    • Penguins have lost the receptors for sweet, umami, and bitter tastes. This is due to C>T mutation bias leading to CpG island breakdown.

Genetic Entropy and Taste Receptor Loss

The loss of taste receptors in these examples can be seen as a form of genetic entropy, where the degradation or loss of genetic information leads to a reduction in functional capabilities. In each of these cases, the specific dietary needs and environmental conditions of the species have rendered certain taste receptors obsolete. This loss is a clear indicator of how genetic information can deteriorate over time, resulting in a more specialized but less versatile genetic makeup. It also clearly suggests that many animals, which are now considered carnivores or predators, were originally able to use plants as their food after creation. 


The study of taste receptor loss across various species provides a compelling look at genetic entropy in action. These changes highlight how epigenetic regulation drives the loss of genetic functions, resulting in non-functional regulatory areas and genes (pseudogenes). A cell does not have a mechanism to build new CpG islands. This observation ALONE debunks the entire theory of evolution.


  • Li, X., et al. "Pseudogenization of a Sweet-Receptor Gene Accounts for Cats’ Indifference toward Sugar." Science, vol. 317, no. 5836, 2007, pp. 1237-1239.
  • Zhao, H., et al. "Molecular Evidence for the Loss of Three Basic Tastes in Pinnipeds." Chemical Senses, vol. 41, no. 5, 2016, pp. 379-385.
  • Zhao, H., et al. "Loss of Taste Receptor Genes in Marine Mammals." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 107, no. 19, 2010, pp. 9339-9344.
  • Jiang, P., et al. "Major Taste Loss in Carnivorous Mammals." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 109, no. 13, 2012, pp. 4956-4961.