
Epigenetic memory systems refute basic tenets of the theory of Evolution

Epigenetic memory systems refute basic tenets of the theory of Evolution


Excerpt:"Understanding the mechanistic basis of epigenetic memory is a central question in molecular biology.

A key hypothesis is that covalent modifications, such as trimethylation, added to specific locations on histone proteins are one important epigenetic memory element.

Although much is known about the proteins involved in histone modification dynamics, our overall mechanistic understanding is still limited.

Recently, the Martin Howard lab has been working closely with Caroline Dean’s lab in an effort to more fully understand these issues in the context of the floral regulator gene FLC. FLC is repressed by cold, such that in a subsequent warm period, the level of repression is quantitatively dependent on the prior cold period.

In effect the length of the cold period is epigenetically remembered by the plant, a memory that is crucial in the timing of flowering and therefore of reproductive success.
The group have shown that this quantitative epigenetic memory is encoded in an all or nothing fashion at each locus (where FLC is either fully repressed or not), with the fraction of repressed loci increasing with an increasing period of cold (Angel et al, 2011, Berry et al, 2015). In other words the epigenetic response is fundamentally digital:

More recently using dual-fluorescent labelling, the Howard group have shown that the epigenetic memory itself is stored in the chromatin and not in networks of diffusible trans factors.

This is a critical result as it demonstrates at the level of a single gene that epigenetic information can be stored locally in, for example, histone modifications. However, the information that can be stored at a single locus is very limited, only 1 bit, ON or OFF.

Digital versus analogue control

"A key question to answer is how digital epigenetic regulation is combined with more conventional analogue transcriptional control, provided, for example, by transcription factors.

This is not straightforward, as digital regulation relies on strong positive feedback, which may conflict with more fine-tuned analogue transcriptional control.

Understanding how these two fundamentally different modes of regulation, digital versus analogue, can be combined is now a key goal.The Howard group is trying to answer these questions both at Arabidopsis FLC, and also in Drosophila, in a new collaboration with the experimental group of Professor Leonie Ringrose (Humboldt University, Berlin)."

A/D Converter = Histone epigenetic markers act as a biological database regulating DNA methylation profiles

Excerpt: "Correlations of histone modifications, DNA methylation patterns, and gene expression further suggest a cooperative function of histone modifications and DNA methylation in regulating gene expression. Analysis of previously identified symbiosis genes revealed a functionally consistent association with active and repressive histone modifications and DNA methylation, indicating that the maintenance of symbiosis-associated gene expression is likely mediated by the synchronous action of both epigenetic mechanisms."

Summary and conclusion:
  • Histone epigenetic markers act as a memory system and a biological database. 
  • Histone markers make the cell possible to store digital information that regulate analogue information, i.e. DNA methylation patterns.
  • The system acts like an A/D converter!
  • Information for offspring's adaptation and survival is transmitted by epigenetic mechanisms and factors such as non coding RNA molecules.
  • Darwin was wrong: Survival of the fittest is not based on random mutations and selection but sophisticated information handling mechanisms.
  • Organisms can transmit the epigenetic memory with non coding RNAs.
  • Biological memory systems can't evolve. The system needs to be created at once in order to be functional. An assumed memory writer is useless without memory readers.
  • Epigenetic memory systems point to Design and Creation.