
Every example of a fossilized wing is FULLY developed and functional

Fossil record doesn't provide critical evidence for the theory of evolution

Evolutionary believers rely on fossil material as their final lifeline because they lack
scientific = observed evidence for their evolutionary tales. Arbitrarily combining fossils, constructing various imaginary lines of development, and sawing, drilling, or filing some fossils as needed, a credible line of development is achieved. This is how pseudoscience works.

Jurassic butterfly looks just like a modern butterfly.
However, there are problems that evolutionists are reluctant to raise in relation to fossil record. Some critical evidence is missing in the fossil record:

- Evidence for evolving insect wings
- Evidence for evolving butterflies or metamorphosis
- Evidence for evolving bird wings
- Evidence for evolving bacteria
- Evidence for evolving bat wings
- Evidence for evolving wings of flying fish
- Evidence for evolving flowers 

The fossil record doesn't show any evidence for assumed evolution. Instead, EVERY EXAMPLE OF A FOSSILIZED WING IS FULLY DEVELOPED AND FUNCTIONAL. A lack of transitional fossils was a big problem for Charles Darwin:
"Why, if species have descended from other species by fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms?"
The theory of evolution is the most serious heresy of our time.