
The Problem of Missing Link deepens - Frauds and misunderstandings

The theory of evolution is just wishful thinking and imagination

This article summarizes recent discoveries about assumed human evolutionary ancestors and points out why there is no such thing.

Frauds and fake fossils

1. Piltdown man

"In 1939, however, two experts, Ralph von Koenigswald and Franz Weidenreich, revealed that both (Peking Man & Java Man) were actually normal human beings. And Ernst Mayr from Harvard University had classified both as human in 1944."

"Java Man was discovered in 1891 by Eugene Dubois and was identified by one tooth, a piece of a skull bone, and a thighbone. Nevermind that the thighbone wasn’t actually found until a year later and 50 feet from where the other two bones were found. No big deal, because Dubois insisted they belonged together. When Dubois couldn’t get agreement from the scientific community of his day, he buried the bones under his house in a suitcase for 23 years before he finally brought them out again. (What!?!) Before his death in 1923, Dubois confessed that Java Man was actually a giant gibbon. Unfortunately, he is still in textbooks and museums labeled as Homo erectus."

4. Nebraska man

Imaginary picture of the Nebraska man
was based on a pig's tooth.
"The evidence for Nebraska Man was used by evolutionists in the famous Scopes evolution trial in Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925. William Jennings Bryan was confronted with a battery of "great scientific experts" who stunned him with the "facts" of Nebraska Man. Mr. Bryan had no retort except to say that he thought the evidence was too scanty and to plead for more time. Naturally, the "experts" scoffed and made a mockery of him. After all, who was he to question the world's greatest scientific authorities?

But, what exactly was the scientific proof for Nebraska Man? The answer is a tooth. That's right; he found one tooth! The top scientists of the world examined this tooth and appraised it as proof positive of a prehistoric race in America. What a classic case of excessive imagination!"

"One of these vertebrae does not belong to Lucy

Lucy, arguably the world’s most famous early human fossil, is not quite all she seems. A careful look at the ancient hominin’s skeleton suggests one bone may actually belong to a baboon."

Science advances

6. Neanderthals and Denisovans


"How can creatures as different in body and mind as present-day humans and their extinct Neanderthal cousins be 99.84 percent identical genetically? Four years after scientists discovered that the two species’ genomes differ by a fraction of a percent, geneticists said on Thursday they have an explanation: the cellular equivalent of “on”/“off” switches that determine whether DNA is activated or not.

Hundreds of Neanderthals’ genes were turned off while the identical genes in today’s humans are turned on, the international team announced in a paper published online in Science. They also found that hundreds of other genes were turned on in Neanderthals, but are off in people living today."

7. Homo floresiensis - Hobbits


"Dwarfism could be a medical or genetic condition and it applies to any adult who is 4'10” or shorter. It is a broad term and includes many genetic abnormalities that could be the underlying cause of the condition. Although sometimes spontaneous, dwarfism has been linked to incestuous breeding especially when it occurs over multiple generations."

8. Australopithecus specimens in general

"In fact, Little Foot's canals were distinctly "ape-like," resembling those of chimpanzees. This suggests that the way Australopithecus moved likely had something in common with chimps, according to the study."

My comment: Modern science is not aware of a mechanism that could be able to turn an ape into a human being. Instead, human genome is rapidly degrading; there are 561,119 gene-disease-association in the human genome at population level. The number of random beneficial mutations is close to ZERO. There is no scientific evidence for evolution. Don't get lost.

p.s. Oh, I forgot Homo Erectus! Never mind, it has been found alive in Brazil. Seriously, microcephaly is a severe disorder and caused by Zika virus or intense inbreeding.