
The most serious problems with the theory of evolution

The biggest holes in biological and chemical evolution - No new evolutionary innovations



Problem 1: No Viable Mechanism to Generate a Primordial Soup

Problem 2: Unguided Chemical Processes Cannot Explain the Origin of the Genetic Code

Problem 3: Random Mutations Cannot Generate the Genetic Information Required for Irreducibly Complex Structures

Problem 4: Natural Selection Struggles to Fix Advantageous Traits into Populations

Problem 5: Abrupt Appearance of Species in the Fossil Record Does Not Support Darwinian Evolution

Problem 6: Molecular Biology has Failed to Yield a Grand "Tree of Life"

Problem 7: Convergent Evolution Challenges Darwinism and Destroys the Logic Behind Common Ancestry
Problem 8: Differences between Vertebrate Embryos Contradict the Predictions of Common Ancestry

Problem 9: Neo-Darwinism Struggles to Explain the Biogeographical Distribution of many Species

Problem 10: Neo-Darwinism has a Long History of Inaccurate Darwinian Predictions about Vestigial Organs and "Junk DNA"

My comment: There is no such mechanism for evolution being able to create new innovations, structures or functions. Atheists are desperately seeking 'evolutionary innovations by chance' but results have been miserable. In every case of so called 'new function' or 'new structure' we can observe the actual reason:

1. Alteration or regulation of pre-existing function.
2. Deletion or break-down of pre-existing function.

Here's a couple of examples:

a. The Italian wall lizard. So called new structures (Cecal valves) arose due to epigenetic switching which was regulated by changed diet type from insects to plants.
b. Nylonase bacteria. The nylonase enzyme was derived from a pre-existing esterase enzyme. (http://evolutiondismantled.com/nylonase)

Mutations in DNA never result in any kind of evolution but degradation of pre-existing information. DNA doesn't dictate body plan or even individual characteristics. Change in organisms is caused by epigenetic regulation of pre-existing biological information or loss of information. The theory of evolution has failed.