
Passive DNA helps us understand why evolution never happened

Passive DNA helps us understand why evolution never happened

The following facts should help us realize that the DNA is just a passive data base. I wrote about passive DNA for the first time in 2017 and slowly this understanding is taking place in modern science. 

1. There are ~250 different cell types in a human body. Every cell (except neurons and T-cells) is maintaining the exactly same DNA. A question arises: Why is your skin cell different to your liver cell? They both have the same DNA sections so how is the identity of the cell determined? Obviously not by the DNA 'genes'.

The answer: The identity of the cell is determined by epigenetic mechanisms and factors. This is called epigenetic programming of the cell. Epigenetic mechanisms control transcription (reading) of the DNA; Where the reading starts and where it ends, how actively the reading is processed and when and how often the reading is done.

Keywords: cellular differentiation epigenetic programming

2. There are only ~19,000 DNA sections used for protein production in human genome but the number of different proteins in a human body is up to several millions. By reading (transcribing) just one section of the DNA, then generating a temporary pre-mRNA molecule and modifying it, the cell is able to produce thousands of different proteins. This complex mechanism is called Alternative splicing and it's regulated by epigenetic mechanisms and factors.

Keywords: alternative splicing DNA methylation, alternative splicing histone epigenetic, alternative splicing microRNAs

3. A Stem cell has no identity, no task, no differentiation. It has no job because it lacks epigenetic programs. It has an entire DNA but without epigenetic information it doesn't know what to do.

Keywords: stem cell epigenetic programming

4. There are no single 'genes' in the genome. Sections of the DNA can be read (transcribed) from different locations of the genome, sections may overlap, be embedded and locate even in different chromosomes. Epigenetic factors and mechanisms guide the cell to find appropriate DNA sections for further processing.

Keywords: gene concepts

5. The cell is able to modify its DNA. The most significant modification occurs in DNA repair at several levels but there are other DNA modifying mechanisms such as AID mediated deamination.

Summary: Because the DNA is just passive data base and it has to be activated by epigenetic mechanisms in order to have a purpose, it's obvious that all adaptation within organisms occurs through epigenetic mechanisms and factors = epigenome. Changing epigenetic profiles never result in any kind of evolution, vice versa. Changing methylation patterns often result in subtle genetic errors. That's why genetic degradation is a biological fact. This can be observed: There are 628,685 gene-disease-associations in human genome worldwide but the number of beneficial mutations is close to zero.

Evolution never happened. Don't get lost my friends.