
The broken laws of the theory of evolution

The broken laws of the theory of evolution

The evolutionary theory has been associated with several laws over the past 150 years. The purpose of these laws has been to consolidate the position of the evolutionary theory in the human worldview and to make the theory appear more convincing than it really is. The observations of serious science will override every law attached to the evolutionary theory. So what would we do with a theory that is not correct? Here's hard, peer-reviewed science:

1. Mendelian inheritance


Summary: Serious research cannot replicate Mendel's rules of inheritance. Students are given false information. Textbooks provide false information. The theory of dominant and recessive inheritance is not correct.

Keywords: mendelian inheritance failure, mendel was wrong

2. Weismann barrier

According to the theory developed by August Weismann, hereditary traits are transmitted to the next generation only through germ cells into the somatic cells of the organism. This theory, which has proved to be pseudoscience, has been refuted several times:


Serious science has, several years ago, found that traits of an organism are inherited, for example via RNA molecules carried by extracellular vesicles. This is called  transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, the most important mechanism by which  epigenetic information is mediated by non coding RNA molecules to establish a histone database in the cells of the organism.

Keywords: epigenetic inheritance non coding rna

3. The doctrines of population genetics:

a. DNA determines body plan, that is, the appearance and structure of organisms. DNA is a recipe for building an organism. DNA is a 'blueprint' or a kind of recipe for an organism.

None of this is true. According to serious science, DNA is a passive database, a collection of tools packaged in an optimum information-maintaining molecule from which the cell can use elements for various purposes as needed. DNA does not dictate traits or characteristics and does not control cellular events. DNA is a passive repository of information.

b. DNA is your destiny

This pseudoscientific theory is, in particular, a philosophical delusion based on the 'selfish gene' ideology invented by leading atheist Richard Dawkins. According to his theory selfish genes control the biology and inheritance of organisms. Serious science has found that DNA does not control the organism, but the organism controls the DNA.


Keywords: It’s the organism controlling the DNA, not the DNA controlling the organism.

4. Random mutations and natural selection are the cornerstones of evolution.

This is utter nonsense. The change in organisms is based on epigenetic mechanisms and factors, and on reorganization of information due to information corruption. Every alleged evolutionary evidence has proven to be a change caused by epigenetic regulation of existing biological information, which even leads to a gradual corruption of information. Environmental signals are transmitted to the cells through the epigenome that directs the cell to use the most appropriate sequences from the passive DNA library for the production of functional RNA molecules.

Science is changing. Continually. The more serious science reveals cellular mechanisms and secrets of inheritance, the more it supports Biblical creation and the less it supports the theory of evolution.